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If you are looking to retire abroad, deVere France can help you through the process of sorting out all the financial predicaments you may face. Should you need help, for instance, in helping understand the options available to you when planning for your retirement, you can contact our team of specialised financial advisers by clicking here.


What are some of the questions you may have regarding retirement planning?

•    When to start saving?
•    What are the implications of delaying my savings?
•    Should I join my Employer's scheme?
•    How much should I contribute?
•    Am I contributing enough?
•    How much am I likely to receive?
•    Can I be more tax efficient and pay more in?

Some of the options available to expats who plan to retire abroad include:

•    Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pensions (QROPs)
•    Qualifying Non-UK Pensions (QNUPs)
•    Trustee Schemes
•    Transfer Plans
•    Regular savings plans

Drawing Pension Benefits

Advice on drawing pension benefits should always be issued by a qualified professional who will review your circumstances and take into account your requirements to help you ensure that you're making the right choice.

When you are ready to take the benefits, we are here to answer the following questions:

•    Should I take the Pension Commencement Lump Sum (PCLS) available?
•    Do I buy an annuity or enter into a drawdown contract?
•    What are the options, such as phased retirement, that are available

What are QROPS?

Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) are a form of pension transfer schemes, recognised by the HMRC and which meet certain conditions and standards equivalent to a UK pension.
Any UK pension can be readily transferred into an overseas scheme, provided that the scheme is registered with HMRC as a QROPS, and meets the requirements of the jurisdiction in which it is domiciled.

Is a QROPS suitable for me?

If you have a UK pension, have left the UK or plan to leave, or are a resident but not UK domiciled, a QROPS is one of the most favourable pension schemes available to you. However, obtaining professional financial advice is a must to ensure that you do comply with the rules. That is where the team at deVere France comes in. We can help you start up your QROPS retirement plan and help safeguard your future.

Why should I choose a QROPS?

There are a number of reasons why setting up a QROPS would be in your best interest. For instance, a QROPS gives you more control over where your pension fund is invested. It also allows you to consolidate a number of pensions into one QROPS and means that you need not buy into an annuity.
Furthermore, the remaining fund is left to your beneficiaries without any deduction of UK tax upon death.

What are the key benefits of a QROPS through the deVere Group?

•    No need to buy an annuity
•    Funds passed to beneficiaries in full after death: after completing 5 full tax years of non UK Tax residency, your pension will no longer be liable to UK income tax or death charges of up to 45%
•    Your pension can be paid in a flexible choice of currency.
•    Up to 30% pension commencement lump sum.
•    Secure jurisdictions.
•    Investment flexibility.
•    Transparent charges.
•    Greater investment freedom.
•    Succession planning.
•    Pensions can be consolidated into one.
•    Free from UK lump sum death benefit charge.
•    Some jurisdiction allow your pension income to be paid gross.

As a resident of France, which is the best QROPS jurisdiction for me?

Following the Finance Act 2012, the QROPS jurisdiction of choice for residents of France is Malta. A highly-regulated member of the European Union, Malta has a sophisticated and transparent tax system that makes it ideal as a QROPS jurisdiction.


Please note if you become resident outside of the EEA within 5 years of the transfer to a EU QROPS, there is likely to be a retrospective tax charge.


deVere France forms part of one of the largest Independant Financial Advisories, deVere Group. For a free consultation, contact deVere France today.

Media contact

deVere France’s Public Relations Department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The Department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact deVere France’s Head of Public Relations on [email protected] or call +44 2071220925