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It is important to plan for inheritance tax but it should be noted that in France, the system is very different and much more complex than it is in the United Kingdom.

For instance, in France forced heirship rules apply and French inheritance rules are based on residence. This, in effect, means that if an individual is a long-term resident in France, he or she will fall under the category of French Succession Tax rather than pay UK inheritance tax.

Moreover, in France there is no concept of ‘domicile’, which ultimately means that if you are a resident if France, it automatically means that you are a French tax payer.

The French inheritance tax - also known as ‘Droits de Succession’ - is based on the amount transferred and the relationship to the beneficiary. Tax is then paid by each individual beneficiary. As of 2015, EU regulations will allow an individual to choose which Succession Law can apply although tax paid will still fall under the country of residence. Thankfully deVere France is on hand to help you through this very difficult period in your life.

In France, the following applies:
Transfers between spouses and Civil Partners are tax-free but lifetime gifts are taxable.

The main allowances are the following:

  • €100,000 for direct line inheritances and gifts (scale applicable as from 1 September 2012).
  • €15,932 for inheritances between siblings.
  • €159,325 for inheritances and gifts to disabled people (this allowance is added to the allowance to which such people are entitled within the family).

The principal allowances applicable to gifts only, in addition to those listed above, are as follows:

  • €80,724 for gifts between spouses.
  • €31,865 per share for all gifts to grandchildren.
  • €5,310 per share for all gifts to great-grandchildren.

This allowance is applicable only once every 15 years.

Transfer in favour of ascendants and descendants taxed at:

Up to €8,072


From €8,072 – €12,109


From €12,109 – €15,932


From €15,932 – €552,324


From €552,324 – €902,838


From €902,838 – €1,805,677


Above €1,805,677



Transfer between blood relatives up to the fourth degree (whatever the amount)


Transfer between remote blood relatives (beyond the fourth degree) and unrelated parties (whatever the amount)



Wealth tax scale

The scale includes 6 rates (from 1 January 2013):


Fraction of net taxable value of assets

Applicable rate (%)

Not exceeding €800,000


Greater than €800,000 and less than or equal to €1,3 million


Greater than €1,300,000 and less than or equal to €2.57 million


Greater than €2.57 million and less than or equal to €5 million


Greater than €5 million and less than or equal to €10 million


Greater than €10 million


Why not let deVere France handle the headaches of Inheritance Tax Planning for you? Contact deVere France here for a free, no obligation consultation today.

Media contact

deVere France’s Public Relations Department deals with all areas of the media and external communications including international, national, regional, local, trade, consumer, print, broadcast, social and online. The Department aims to provide a helpful service to journalists, broadcasters and editors, amongst others, and reply to all media enquiries, including urgent enquiries out of hours, within agreed deadlines. Our press office does not have access to client details and will not be able to assist with individual client enquiries. Please contact deVere France’s Head of Public Relations on [email protected] or call +44 2071220925